Half a Cup of Blues

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I am ...

Just really thinking about some things lately.

Part of that can be attributed to reading thought provoking blogs like the one that
Yibbyl has right now.

Am I the person that I want to be?
If not, why?
What would I like to change about myself?
Why don't I just get busy doing that instead of just thinking or talking about it?

I would like to will be more patient (especially while driving!).
I would like to will stop being a packrat.

I would like to will stop procrastinating decisions/actions.
I would like to will start now.

Today's Plan: Load the truck and make the first delivery of stuff that I'm letting go of.


  • I'll help ya unload that truck!
    And it was Schlab,in Houston and Mel is a doll.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/09/2005 3:57 PM  

  • I do the exact same thing sweetie. I know that you will succeed! :hug:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/11/2005 3:12 PM  

  • pack it up and let it go! moving on frees up so much space. So let go of the physical as well...

    i would live with just a bed, a dresser, some kitchen stuff and that is all, if i could. people look at ya funny though...

    as if i care! good luck on the cleansing! take slow deep breaths, and remember this is for the best!


    By Blogger Mermaid Melanie, at 8/13/2005 5:07 AM  

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